TWITL – week seven – stormy

The weather was a little wild, a little stormy this past week. It was only a four day work week but it felt a little long but not because most of our building was at a conference. There was a sort of quiet to the office that helped with the monotony of the work.

Kevin Smith as Ares

This week marked the 17th anniversary of the death of Kevin Smith (“Ares” on Xena and Hercules). I loved seeing the simple remembrances from people who worked with him. I loved remembering those conventions when I met him as well as remembering those times hanging out with my friends. It amazes me that even now, seventeen years later, I can still think of him with so much love and only a touch of melancholy. I am grateful for him because of the friends I have to this day. I can still hear him in my stories…

Rugby begins!
Super Rugby has begun!

Super Rugby is on! My Crusaders won their first match. Yah! I am so happy that it’s rugby season. I love watching on Friday night or a very early Saturday morning. It’s always strange when the games are on during the actual day (those are the ones in Argentina or the last game played in South Africa). I love hearing the different accents and recognizing the names of the players and officials…

Alita: Battle Angel – Yes for $4 movie tickets from T-Mobile! We saw this on Friday night after work. Alita was well done in technical terms– the special effects looked natural, the action was exciting. When I had seen the trailers, I think I expected something different from what the movie showed us. I don’t know anything about the manga either so I went in watching the movie with fresh eyes. I enjoyed it for the most part.

love the likes
I love the likes a bit too much

This means he reads the comments on his posts, right?

Have a great week, y’all!