TWITL – week ten – springing forward

I make notes everyday on the day’s events. Sometimes I use what I’ve written for topics here. Sometimes I just write off the top of my head.

mac & cheese, fancy like
fancy mac & cheese

Lent began on Wednesday. I saw a few posts from people who said that they were giving up social media for Lent. What does that mean? Does it mean they won’t read it or post to it or both? When I participated in giving up something for Lent, I usually gave up something that was more a vice than virtue (drinking soda was the favorite). Do these people view social media as more a negative than a positive? I’m seriously curious. I understand the people who say that it’s good to unplug but those who give up social media for Lent give me pause…

HBD to this little guy
Wasn’t he cute all those decades ago? He’s still pretty cute these days too…

The hubby’s birthday was Friday and I posted the above photo to my Instagram. It’s one of my favorite pictures of little boy version of him. He still smiles like that!


Bohemian Rhapsody – We watched this movie last weekend and I really enjoyed it. I loved the way the music was weaved into the plot. It led me to listen to some Queen music throughout the week, which is pretty much an awesome thing…

Aquaman – We pre-ordered the movie and it came with a digital copy so we watched it. It looks so good on 4K! And the movie is just as fun at home as it was at the theatre…


me, filtered and such
me, filtered and such
  • I love using the filters for my selfies (see above)…
  • I keep re-reading my 2017 NaNoWriMo. I think I want to edit it and make it worthy of reading by other people (I’m the only one who’s read it)…
  • One more week of work then Spring Break for the kids out here…
  • Seriously love that Sully and Simon are taking to liking comments on their posts. It’s a fun little thrill for a bit of joy…
  • I didn’t wake up in time for this weekend’s Farmers Market. Alas! But it was a bit rainy so maybe it was best I stayed home…