This past week saw a day off from work, the first day of Spring, a half-day Friday, and finally watching Captain Marvel! I also started writing in cursive in a blank book because I want to practice handwriting that way…
I thought about walking out to the library or to the movies on Monday but instead I stayed at home and didn’t do much, which was actually quite nice. I started watching the Netflix show Immortals, which is probably why I didn’t go out. The show is mostly eye candy goodness but there’s enough for me to keep me hooked.
I am so digging this one Snapchat filter that gives me purple hair and smoother skin. It looks like I’m wearing make-up that I’m not wearing. I’m a little in love with what it does to my face. The joys of technology! The filtered photos make for great profile pictures.
The days working passed pleasantly enough. I had to cover the front desk for lunch but I didn’t mind so much as it gave me a break from the stuffing of envelopes and such. I walked over the the library a couple of times. I do so enjoy the walk and the time away from the office.
Friday was a half day of work and then the walk to the movie theatre to watch Captain Marvel. I had a small popcorn, a cup of water, and my usual seat in the auditorium. Most of the other movie goers were children with their parents or teens with their friends.
Captain Marvel – I almost cried when the movie opened. You know how Marvel movies start with flashes of the comic books and such? Well, this one opened with flashes of Stan Lee’s cameos in the movies and I felt decidedly teary-eyed… I liked the movie! I loved how it tied in with the other movies before it and alluded to the movie coming up in April. I thought Brie Larson was great in it. I think I’ll be watching it again in the theatre…
Mute – Alexander Skarsgård is in this one and I enjoyed it! I liked the futuristic feel and the twists I did not expect AT ALL. It was dark and a little dreary but had me hooked from the opening minutes. It was a bit of a bummer that Skarsgård didn’t speak most of the movie but it did give him a chance to play the characters through his movements and action. Paul Rudd was good in it and Justin Theroux was unrecognizable and unexpected…
Outlaw King – Not sure why it took me so long to watch this one as I am a Chris Pine fan but we finally got to it. I thought it was well done. I enjoyed watching Chris in a gritty sort of role. He played his part well.
Sunday, March 24, marked the birthday of Philip Winchester. We the crew of Fans of Philip passed along our best wishes from our respective social media profiles both fan-oriented and personal. I posted the above from the Fans of Philip instagram and hopefully he saw it (I think he probably did). I enjoy being part of the Fans of Philip crew and it’s interesting being in a collaborative group. And it’s nice to know that Philip appreciates all our efforts even if it’s not always clear that we are a group as opposed to just one person…