TWITL – week twenty-eight – such sweet elusive secrets

whispers softly sing
such sweet elusive secrets
drifting through the breeze

My vacation is over. As I write on this Sunday evening (why do I wait until Sunday to write my blog?!), I go back to work tomorrow after eleven days off. I was super lazy but it was great!


Spider-Man: Far from Home – I’ve actually seen this movie twice now. How could I forget to mention that last week? I obviously enjoyed the movie to watch it twice. I loved the locations and the plot (though I did figure out certain things). I would definitely recommend it!… For the second showing, I watched at our local AMC in the Dolby Cinema auditorium. So fancy! Definitely the way to watch movies. But lo, the price for a seat it expensive…

Shazam! – We bought this movie and I liked it a lot! I’m sorry that I didn’t watch it in the theatres. I adore Zachary Levi and he was so good in the movie. Definitely recommend it.

Too many photo edits of Jack Whitehall
Funny faces from Jack Whitehall


“I’ll Dream of You Again” – Even though I had all this time off, the writing stalled big time. I miss the frenzy but now I’m trying to actually think of how I want to write the rest of the story. I think I’m in the second act of the story and I’m ready to get to the third act. I still very much adore the characters so very much…


While on vacation, I did go out a couple of times. I had pho one day, sushi another day. Otherwise, I stayed in most days, tried to write, enjoy the a/c as the days were hot. Oh, I did go to the library one day, which I should have done more than once. Oh well!

One of these days, I'll tell the story
I should tell the story of this tattoo

I should write the story of this tattoo someday. Maybe after the first number one song?

Oh, and yeah, still totally on this Jack Whitehall thing. Watched a couple more episodes of Bad Education. The first episode of second season was HILARIOUS. And a bit revealing. Ha!… My IG is probably going to turn into a bit of Jack Whitehall appreciation account. I’ve already edited a bunch of photos that I want to post over the next week. I should probably add some Sullivan Stapleton pics so that it doesn’t look too lovefesty for one fella…