whispers softly sing
such sweet elusive secrets
drifting through the breeze
My vacation is over. As I write on this Sunday evening (why do I wait until Sunday to write my blog?!), I go back to work tomorrow after eleven days off. I was super lazy but it was great!
Spider-Man: Far from Home – I’ve actually seen this movie twice now. How could I forget to mention that last week? I obviously enjoyed the movie to watch it twice. I loved the locations and the plot (though I did figure out certain things). I would definitely recommend it!… For the second showing, I watched at our local AMC in the Dolby Cinema auditorium. So fancy! Definitely the way to watch movies. But lo, the price for a seat it expensive…
Shazam! – We bought this movie and I liked it a lot! I’m sorry that I didn’t watch it in the theatres. I adore Zachary Levi and he was so good in the movie. Definitely recommend it.
“I’ll Dream of You Again” – Even though I had all this time off, the writing stalled big time. I miss the frenzy but now I’m trying to actually think of how I want to write the rest of the story. I think I’m in the second act of the story and I’m ready to get to the third act. I still very much adore the characters so very much…
While on vacation, I did go out a couple of times. I had pho one day, sushi another day. Otherwise, I stayed in most days, tried to write, enjoy the a/c as the days were hot. Oh, I did go to the library one day, which I should have done more than once. Oh well!
I should write the story of this tattoo someday. Maybe after the first number one song?
Oh, and yeah, still totally on this Jack Whitehall thing. Watched a couple more episodes of Bad Education. The first episode of second season was HILARIOUS. And a bit revealing. Ha!… My IG is probably going to turn into a bit of Jack Whitehall appreciation account. I’ve already edited a bunch of photos that I want to post over the next week. I should probably add some Sullivan Stapleton pics so that it doesn’t look too lovefesty for one fella…