May the 4th Be With You!
Yesterday (May 3rd) was my birthday. I am 49. Just writing it like that is super freaky to me because it’s such a big number. What is 49? I suppose it’s me now. I never thought about how it should feel so I suppose for me, it’s however I’m feeling. And I’m feeling grateful and blessed. I have a wonderful husband, loving family, and amazing friends. I try to see a bit of beauty every day even in all the craziness. And my lovelies, the world is full of craziness these days, isn’t it?
How did I spend my birthday? I woke up before 7 AM and had a rather hearty breakfast before 8 AM. Jack Whitehall and his father were on IG live cooking while I ate breakfast. I took a nap at some point and instead of making dinner, we ordered out and had Mexican food. My birthday dinner was the night before– fish and chips from Vic Stewart’s. Otherwise, we didn’t really do much during the day. I had enough time to respond to all the lovely birthday wishes sent my way online. Oh, and I watched Tyler and Sabina’s IG live brunch. I love those two! They’re so much fun to watch, especially with a glass of wine.
Saturday, May 2nd, we were meant to be in Los Angeles to watch Jack Whitehall’s show at The Orpheum Theatre. I allowed myself a moment of resignation and lamentation. Would I have been able to meet Jack? Would I had been able to get him to say Happy Birthday to me while taking a picture with him? Maybe not. But I would have been able to sit and laugh while watching him be ridiculous. Instead, I was home in my shorts and t-shirt. I did watch an episode of Bad Education just honor the fact that I was supposed to see him live. Alas.
Five years ago on April 30th, I met Tyler Rich. I was excited and nervous while waiting in line. He had posted on his social media that he would be coming out before the start of the show to say hello to the fans waiting. When he finally came out, I wondered if he would have enough time to get to us. I’m sure I amused my line mates but I really did want to meet Tyler. When the moment finally came, Tyler put me at ease because that’s how he is and we took a picture or two or three together. He was passing out cards with his social media links and I still have that card somewhere. When it was time for his show, I made the conscious effort to take few pictures or videos, instead enjoying the moment through my own eyes and not through the phone screen. (I made up for it the second time I saw Tyler by recording every song like a total lunatic.)
Who knew that meeting him would open my world to new experiences and new friends? I am utterly grateful to Tyler for so many things but most of all, I am grateful for the love and friendship he inspired. And I am so glad to call him my friend. He will always be My Spell Breaker…
Strike Back – We finally finished this last season. I very much enjoyed it and will miss it for sure. I really did love watching the new crew even if I did miss Scott and Stonebridge. If you want to watch a super kickass show, I will always recommend Strike Back. The Scott and Stonebridge years were my favorite but you can’t really go wrong with the Wyatt, McAllister, Novin years. You will laugh, you will cry, you will jump in your seat, your heart will race and at the end, you’ll want to do it all over again…
Prodigal Son – Holy crap, what a season ender! Someone tell me this show is getting another season because I must know what happens next. If it doesn’t get another season, well, it ended with a definite HOLY CRAP moment and how many shows can say that? Seriously, it’s getting another season, right? Yowsa!
Westworld – I very much enjoyed this season so much more than last season. I loved that we were in the “real” world and I loved not knowing what the hell Dolores was doing but I enjoyed the ride nonetheless. The season finale managed to have big moments and quiet moments and moments that just squeezed the heart. So well done.
And here’s a poem I wrote during the week…
don’t admit a thing
keep it close
just below a whisper
don’t open your heart
keep it locked
hide away the key
don’t tell the tale
keep it secret
as if it isn’t real