The All Blacks win

TWITL – week nineteen – the days slipping by

Even though my birthday was a week ago, I received a birthday card from Barry Zito! I’m on his mailing list and provided my birthday and address and this past weekend the card delivered. Pretty cool beans! I posted a shot of the card on my IG story and tagged Barry and he ended up reposting on his IG story. How sweet is that? SO SWEET.

Thank you, Barry Zito!
Thank you, Barry Zito!


Extraction (Netflix) – I forgot to mention last week that we watched this Chris Hemsworth movie on Netflix. SO GOOD! It had that Strike Back vibe that I just seem to enjoy so much. A definite recommendation if you like action and intrigue and all that crazy stuff. I thought it was very well done.


Almost Paradise – We caught up on this WGN show and I’m really enjoying it. I LOVE that it’s set in the Philippines and that the characters are fully formed and not stereotypes. Yes, there’s the familiar formula of the case of the week but it’s fun to watch and it makes me feel good to see people who look like me. I don’t have to suspend so much of my disbelief. I can relate to the characters on a deeper level and it feels like such a gift. It’s a good show that I definitely recommend to anyone.

L.A.’s Finest – We bought the first season of this show that stars Gabrielle Union and Jessica Alba. I like it! It’s super kickass, the characters are flawed but always trying to be better, and there’s action to go along with the drama and there are even some laughs. I love seeing Sabina too! It gives me a thrill seeing my friend on the small screen. She recurs on the show and it’s always a treat seeing her.

Blindspot – The fifth and final season has begun! It started with the bang and wrought some tears along with the intrigue. It’s so good to have Sullivan Stapleton on my tv again. He makes the show for me and always has but I have come to appreciate the others on the show. I’ve finally accepted the Weller and Jane as a couple. It took me awhile. I think I wanted Weller to be a bit like Damien Scott so it colored my perception of Weller for a long while. I’m glad the show is back and I’ll be sad when it ends. For now, I will savor the each episode and look forward to a good end.

Blindspot S5e1
Sully on Blindspot


I’ve stopped the daily posts of Jack Whitehall. Not sure if anyone has noticed but I’m pretty much just going to do Mondays (Man Crush Monday), Wednesday (Whitehall Crush Wednesday), and Fridays (just to end the week on a high note). I might post one during the weekend as well but I’ll leave that up to my mood at the time.

the pattern
the latest pattern

Simon Kassianides seems to have paused his daily poetry readings but he has been working on a YouTube show called Safe Six. It’s ridiculous and hilarious and I’m a little surprised that Simon can make me laugh as much as he has with his show. The man is talented. It’s a fun little show and adults with a sense of humor should check it out. So check it out!

Super Rugby in New Zealand might start in a month! I hope they televise it here because I am sports starved right now. I NEED SOME SPORTS!

And here’s the end of the post…

I don’t mind
not knowing the day
the calendar might say
as long as I’m with you
I don’t mind
not knowing what’s next
yet feeling so blessed
as long as I’m with you
I don’t mind
not knowing the time
without reason or rhyme
as long as I’m with you