TWITL – week twenty-nine – this and that

I took a couple of days off this week but it still felt like a long work week. It just feels so unsettled and my usual ways of settling myself are a bit out of sorts right now. It’ll pass, I know.

summer hair
summer hair

School isn’t going to start in hybrid fashion as before decided. Distance learning for all! Hopefully it’s not for the whole school year. I’m sure the reactions out there are mixed but most of the calls I’ve gotten have been more worried about the safety in the students going back to school in person than not. I can empathize with all sides of it. This is truly an unprecedented time in our lives…

sushi dinner
sushi dinner

One of the very few bright spots of these days is being able to DoorDash from different places in the area. When I have to fend for myself for dinner, I order sushi. I’ve been able to try out sushi from various places and most of my orders have been delicious! I really do enjoy having my food delivered to me. Does that mean I’m spoiled?

Fantastic Four
Chris Evans as “Johnny Storm” in Fantastic Four


  • Rugby – My Crusaders didn’t play but I did watch the other New Zealand teams this weekend. Good games! The Chiefs v Highlanders game was NUTS! The Chiefs seemed to have the game in hand but the Highlanders came away with the win. So wild.
  • Writing – Slow going with the one story I’m writing. Sometimes the creativity just stalls and it’s so frustrating. I might have written one or two paragraphs this past week. So stalled…
  • Besotted by Chris – I’ve been doing a decent job of posting at least once a day for the new fan account. It helps to have more than one Chris as a focus. We have a few followers but for now, it’s pretty much for me and my friend.
A Lady in Hades
Chris Conrad & Erik Thomson as “Jason” & “Hades” in the Young Herc ep “A Lady in Hades”

Here’s to a good week for all of us. May there be bright spots…