We did manage to have a bit of rain early in the week but now it’s all sunshine with cool temperatures. I don’t mind sweater weather, truly. I’m not really ready for spring quite yet but it’s coming…
Yellow Rose – Another quiet sort of movie and one that certainly hits me in an interesting way. A Filipina teenager makes her way in the world while creating country music in this film. I loved the music and my cynical movie heart kept bracing for something awful to happen besides what was happening but my fears were never realized. Maybe I’m just not used to more “innocent” movies. I would definitely recommend this one.
Nalini Singh – Rebel Hard (read), Cherish Hard (read), Love Hard (reading) – I’ve read this series out of order, which doesn’t really matter. Rebel Hard is the third book of the series but I read it first because it’s what I saw in the Libby app and after reading that it was a romance novel with a rugby player as the male lead, I thought, why not? And OMIGOSH, I am so glad I read it! Of course I had to read the rest in the series. All the books are sexy with so much love– romantic, familial, friendly. And lo, the diversity of the characters just makes the stories more relatable…
We drove out to Livermore yesterday to just get out for a bit. We hit the comic book shop where I bought three Funkos– a Superman (to take out of the box), Billy Butcher, and The Mandalorian. I probably should have gotten two Billy Butchers since now I’m not sure what I want to do with a second Superman out of the box. I can’t have two of him at work. Maybe I’ll buy another Billy Butcher from Amazon.
We had drinks at Hop DeVine, snacking on coconut shrimp and onion rings. We had dinner at Sauced. Ribs and brisket with mac and cheese and cornbread– so good! It was just lovely getting out and eating out (even though we were outside). It was heartening to see more people than not adhering to the mask policy…
We’re so close. Can you feel it?
Stay safe! Wear your mask, keep your distance, and wash your hands!