The All Blacks win

TWITL – week nineteen – cherry picking

After a week of summer-like weather, Saturday morning was nice and cool. My cousins came out to pick some cherries and we met them at one of the ranches. We have lived out this way for over a decade but we’ve never gone cherry picking.


It was a little chilly to start but it warmed up by the end. I had fun picking cherries and might have gone overboard, of course. The cherries will get eaten, of course. I loved hanging out with my cousins and their families. Their girls are growing up so fast!

looking for the perfect cherries

We spent our allotted time at the ranch picking cherries then headed to town for some beer and lunch and ice cream. Well, the girls had ice cream. The adults had beer. We got to hang out at one of our locals, which is next door to the ice cream shop. Hopefully the girls had fun. They ran out a few times. Who knows what they were doing.

they're going to take over the world


The Nevers – (HBO Max) – Apparently the sixth episode was the mid-season finale. It started off like it was a whole different show but it definitely explained a lot. Now I want to know when the second half of the season starts!


The Terminal List – Jack Carr – This is going to be an Amazon show so I thought, why not read the books? I think watching all that Strike Back and some of Seal Team gave me a good idea on what to visual for the action in the story. I liked the book and I’m on the waiting list for the next one at the library… Taylor Kitsch is going to be on the show and Chris Pratt plays the lead. I was having a bit of a time imagining him as the main character of the story. I hope he convinces me while I’m watching the show…


Here’s to week of cooler temperatures! Is it too much to ask for spring weather during spring?

Wash your hands, wear your mask, keep your distance, and when you can, get that vaccine.

picking cherries