The All Blacks win

TWITL – week seventeen – half a century

Happy Birthday to me! I spent the day off from work. I watched Captain America Civil War then Thor Ragnarok. Just had to get my MCU fix because if this was any other year, I would have probably been at the movie theatre watching the latest MCU movie. I did get out of the house for drinks and dinner so I wasn’t a total hermit the whole day.

bday dinner
birthday dinner

I want to say that I don’t feel 50 but as I am now 50, I suppose this is how 50 feels. I don’t feel much different except I’m starting to realize the passing of decades. When you don’t have kids, time seems to pass differently. Sometimes people don’t think I’m as old as I am and I wonder if it’s because I don’t have kids and they can’t do some math to approximate my age. I know that when I meet people with kids, I do some of that calculating in my head. Then again, someone once asked me if Tyler Rich was my son (after seeing his picture on my computer monitor at work). So who knows.

I feel rather lucky at this stage of my life. I’m married to a wonderful man that I not only love but LIKE. I have a loving family and great friends. I have a job I like. The stories are still brewing in my head and I still want to learn new things. I count all of that as good things and I’m grateful for all it.

it was warm today
When the Apple Watch wishes you HBD with balloons…

I’m glad for all the messages online for my birthday. It’s so sweet that family and friends took a little time out of their day to send their good wishes. I so very much appreciate it. I don’t know if I’ll get to replying to everyone so I hope everyone knows that I am so happy to have been a thought in their heads today.

this pattern

Back to work tomorrow for me!

Wear your mask, wash your hands, keep your distance, and when it’s your turn, please do get the vaccine. I miss hugging people! (I have been hugging the people I know who’ve been vaccinated and it’s so nice!)

2 thoughts on “TWITL – week seventeen – half a century

  1. Happy birthday. I’m glad you had a great day. Hopefully I can be one of those hugs this year.

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