TWITL – week twenty-four – riding out into the sunset

I imagine him riding towards that sunset, the motorcycle roaring, the wind whipping as joy hums through his soul, love soars in his heart, and peace guides him. He’s free, leaving behind so much love and joy…

Steve with my Dad
Steve here with my Dad, from FB

Steve was my cousin’s husband. He was family the moment he was with Beverly. When she died, he was still family. He always will be. And now he’s departed this earthly realm and it’s hard not to feel sad. It never feels like anyone gets enough time but I feel as though he enjoyed as much of it as he could while he was here. He took such care of Beverly, his love and devotion never in question. His spirit never seemed to falter.

I will remember Steve as a groovy guy, always open hearted, ready to just talk about anything. It was easy around him, never awkward. It was always a joy to see him and his ready smile. Even though I didn’t see much of him these past several years, his social media posts always brought me a smile. He’s one of those shining lights you feel lucky to know.

So yes, I’m sad that he’s gone. He will be so missed and always loved. I have no doubt that anyone who knew him will remember him with a smile. I imagine him riding into that sunset, basking in laughter and music and love.

Journey well into the next, Steve…

looking up