TWITL – week forty-one – fall break’s end

Here we are at the end of fall break. Second quarter begins for the students out this way. I actually like this time of year because the weather cools and we get lots of days off from now until the end of the calendar year.

baseball fan
an old license plate of ours

Ray Fosse died this past week and the news gave me pause. He’d stepped away in the middle of last season for health reasons and on Wednesday, October 13th, he was gone from the world. He is so much part of my baseball memories. All the games I’ve watched on television and listened to on the radio, Ray was part of them. I didn’t watch a lot of games on tv this past season but I still noticed his absence. He’ll always be part of my love for baseball and the Oakland A’s… Journey well into the next, Ray Fosse…

He liked my tweet!!!

Songs for You (EP) – Ben Barnes – Sometimes I forget that music is poetry. I’ve listened to country music almost exclusively for the past several years and though the lyrics can be catchy and the melody memorable, more often than not, the music is a bit, well, basic. Three chords and the truth and all of that is fine for sure but sometimes, it’s good to be reminded that music is poetry too. And I don’t think there’s enough of that in the music I like nowadays. Ben Barnes’ EP, Songs for You, is melodious poetry. It’s a gentle sort of pop, I’d call it adult contemporary. The songs are meant to stir your soul a bit, to take you away in gentle waves, make you smile and appreciate the world, make you melancholy, make you hope. There’s a sweet sort of earnestness in Ben’s voice, a wonder, a vulnerability. He sounds a little shy, yet strong in his resolve to share these slivers of his soul. I think every song on his EP will be a favorite of mine in turn…

that Voila app is cool


The weather cooled enough this past week that I could wear a sweater. We had a couple of warmer days at the end of the week but it looks like we’re cooling down this upcoming week. I am so ready to wear my sweaters!

I’ve been writing notes for my National Novel Writing Month novel. I don’t know if I have enough for 50k words and I don’t know exactly how the story will progress. Just the other day I figured out what the female character might do for a living. Not quite sure exactly what the main male character does but I think I’ll know before November hits. Well, I’ll definitely need to know by then.

Tyler Rich’s tour ended last night at Ace of Spades. We didn’t go but it would have been a great venue to watch him, a sort of full circle moment since Ace of Spaces is the first venue where we saw him. I love the pictures I’ve seen from last night. It makes me happy and proud for his success. He works so hard and he’s so amazing. He deserves all the love.

Here’s to a good week. It’s back to working five days. Ah well, at least we’re ending the week with an evening viewing at the movie theatre for Dune. Yah!