TWITL – week eighteen – HBD to me & a lovely weekend

My birthday was on Tuesday and I didn’t take the day off from work. It wasn’t so bad as my desk was decorated and later flowers were delivered from the hubby. After work, we had drinks at Crown and Crow then dinner at Sweeney’s. Good times, good times.


Dr. Strange in the Multiverse of Madness – I saw this movie Friday afternoon after work and it was worth watching in a full auditorium without any refreshments. I might have enjoyed the movie more than the first one, which took me a couple of viewings to gain my appreciation. I still don’t understand why Benedict Cumberbatch couldn’t use his own accent for the role but I’ve gotten used to it now, I suppose. The movie was mind bending in parts, heartbreaking in others, and just a fun watch altogether. Sam Raimi’s touch was rather evident (to me) and it was a good thing. I LOVED the post credit scene. I loved the Illuminati scenes (and their reveal certainly was a crowdpleaser). I can’t wait to watch the movie again and if I have time in the next few weeks, maybe I’ll give it another viewing…


Star Trek: Picard – Season two is in the books! I enjoyed it all even though I’m certainly bummed that some of the characters won’t be returning for the third season. If they had stopped with season two, I would have been satisfied. Here’s to a great season three!

The Endgame – If this show doesn’t come back (and I hope it does), the season ended on a good note. Yes, there are definitely threads to pickup for another season but it didn’t end on such a cliffhanger that it will be a total bummer if it doesn’t come back. Still, I hope it comes back!

Moon Knight – I really loved this show. I hope this one comes back but if it doesn’t, at least most plot points were answered. I hope the character comes back in some form or another but another season would be more Oscar Isaac and that’s a good thing.

the weekend

Saturday we did the farmers market then headed to Bethel Island for lunch and drinks. I had never been there and it was neat to see. We had lunch at the Sugar Barge and the view was LOVELY. And it was just a pretty day…

Sunday was Mother’s Day and we headed to San Leandro to visit with my parents. It was good to see them and spend time with them, catching up on family gossip and the like. I asked my mom some random questions and as predicted, she commented on my new purse.

childhood home

Now it’s time for bed! Here’s to a good week, one and all.