TWITL – week twenty-eight – summer days at work

It was back to work this week after a week off. Monday and Tuesday was catching up on emails and voicemails and then getting through transfer submissions, etc. All the fun stuff that happens before school probably begins earlier for us because school starts early (compared to other schools in the area). Fun times!

FHS backstage
backstage at Freedom HS

On Tuesday, the superintendent took some of us on a tour of the new projects to our comprehensive school sites. Our first stop was the oldest high school of the district– Liberty High School.

the new cafeteria
part of the new cafeteria

Liberty HS has a new cafeteria and a new administration building and it’s freakin’ gorgeous! They’re still doing a lot of work on the outside but inside, things look nearly finished. The staff was in the middle of settling into the new administration building and they have a space full of natural light and lovely spaces. I look forward to visiting when everything is finished because it just looks like a great place to work. I hope that the students feel as welcomed as we did when we were checking out everything.

Freedom High School Theater
Freedom High School Theater

Our next stop was Freedom High School. The new theater there is simply gorgeous and it made me want to go see a production there. It looks great and it was so neat standing on the stage then going back stage to the dressing room. I was duly impressed by the common room where the students can do their make-up at the lit mirrors. It was fancy! The school also has a new auxiliary gymnasium which hasn’t been used yet. So new!

F - Wing
the F-Wing at Heritage High School

Our last stop was Heritage High School. We were able to look at the outside of the F-Wing building but we would have needed better shoes and probably hard hats to look around inside the new building. Once finished, the top floor classrooms will have views the football field (I think?) and Mt. Diablo. We were able to check out the culinary arts kitchen and classroom, which is quite amazing. So many opportunities for the students to have hands-on training and instruction.

touring the sites

After our tour, I wondered if our students realize how lucky they are to have such opportunities and resources at the ready. I hope that the staff at the sites are guiding the students to their full potential and igniting their imaginations and ambitions and wonder. I hope the outside improvements bring joy and appreciation.

the local AMC

We watched Thor: Love and Thunder yesterday in the Dolby Cinema auditorium and I still love it. It was nice not going alone this time and now I can talk about the mid-credits scene with the husband. (But not with you, dear reader. Not yet.) I wore my new Thor shirt because I’m that kind of fangirl. (I bet you all knew that already.)

couldn't resist

Yes, I ordered from Rootless again. They were having a buy two for one price deal and I’ve been wanting a bracelet so I bought two! I’m going to wear them during our upcoming trip because they’re meant to be out in the world. I’ve used the coordinates before on my previously purchased necklaces. Even if you figure them out, you’ll not know why they’re significant unless you know me…