Isn’t it terrible that I, an A’s fan, will probably only go to one baseball game this season and it was to San Francisco for the Giants? Maybe it’s not so terrible because Oracle Park is a beautiful ballpark and baseball is baseball.
The husband entered a raffle and won a San Francisco Giants bundle that included four tickets to a game. So off to Sunday’s game we went! We took BART then walked to a place for lunch before making our way to the ballpark. We had a Guinness before heading to our seats. We had great seats! The weather was lovely and cool. I actually cheered for the home team this time, which probably hasn’t happened since I was a teenager. The Giants ended up winning the game but we didn’t stay for the end. Still, good times!
Nova Vita – Honestly, this show is only watchable because of Thomas Beaudoin. Too many people on this show annoy me (most especially the mourning wife, the fake wife, the fake best friend, the former best friend) and the plot, which could be more interesting, is so poorly executed and not all that compelling. Thomas plays the “after” guy Dave and the “before” guy Mark is shorter and looks nothing like Thomas. (Which is the point, I know, but really?) The fake wife looks like the result of plastic surgery. The mourning wife is a bit too plain considering she lives in a house of utter luxury. These are superficial musings, I know, but considering most of the characters are supposed to be monied, shouldn’t it show a little? Thank goodness Thomas embodies his character so well. I can believe his character’s struggle even if he does weird and questionable things. But I can’t recommend this show to anyone unless they want to prove me wrong about its quality. Or lack thereof…
Ahsoka – Finally, this show has hooked me. But I still have to watch the recap shows to catch the things that I don’t know. I’m into it though and can’t wait to watch the next episode…
The weather needs to cool down but at least the nights aren’t terribly hot now. The mornings are darker and I can tell the sun is in a different place when I walk to the library. Ahh, changing days…