TWITL – week 3 – gray days with some rain

MONDAY – 15 January

"Libranos del mal"
Miguel Ángel Silvestre en la primera temporada de Los Enviados

I finished doing screenshots of MAS in Los Enviados, season 1. Yah! Now I can start season 2 screenshots. Sometimes I wonder why I still do such things. Am I just passing the time? I’m really not going to do anything with ALL the screenshots. I’ll pick the best one and edit/filter it then post to IG at some point. I don’t share the gallery. Maybe I should…

TUESDAY – 16 January

Back to work today! Joy?

"El Doble"
Miguel Ángel Silvestre en la primera temporado de 30 Monedas

30 Monedas/30 Coins – We finished season two last night! What can I say about the second season? I don’t even know quite yet. I hope it gets a third season because I have so many questions!… I will say that Paco was a bit better in this season than last. I think the theme of his life is that his women will not ever really appreciate him and always yell at him. 😛 I’m being silly but it just seemed like Elena was always yelling at him and Merche was just evil. I couldn’t really relate to them at all. Am I supposed to be sympathetic towards Merche? I’m not. Elena almost gets a pass because she has been through some crazy things. Yowsa!

WEDNESDAY – 17 January

I do so love when Sully likes comments on his IG posts…

It always tickles me when Sullivan Stapleton likes the comments on his IG posts. And as I comment on his IG posts, that means he sees my words. I appreciate that he takes the time to read and like the comments posted on his IG. I find it rather sweet.

THURSDAY – 18 January

"Past Imperfect"
William Gregory Lee in the CSI: NY episode “Past Imperfect”

So I’m still on a nostalgia wave. HTLJ/XWP on Amazon Prime. My friend Beth asking if she can use my Temple of Ares character in a new story she’s thinking of writing. Doing those screenshots of Erik. The 25th anniversary of my most favorite photo taken on Greg’s 26th birthday coming up. (WTH, Greg turned 26 that day I was in Santa Monica?! I FEEL SO OLD!) My friend Paula grabbing that creative string to tell a tale from our Temple of Ares days. All of these things are just making me look back with fondness and amusement and gratitude.

FRIDAY – 19 January

The Wayback Machine at has been a way for me to look back on those days in the late 90s/early 00s. I found the Temple of Ares and my particular stories archived, which is a great thing since I don’t have those stories saved anyway. One day soon I need to do the whole copy and paste thing. Just to have for myself.

SATURDAY – 20 January

Sweet goodness, the San Francisco 49ers won against the Green Bay Packers tonight. Whew! The hubby got to go to the game. I got to stay home. It was raining out there and I’m mostly glad that I wasn’t out at the stadium getting soaked. I’m just not made for that kind of spectating.

I'm kinda glad I wasn't in the rain...
me at home; a view from the field; facetime screenshot

Oh, I posted the screenshot of the short FaceTime with the hubby and I got a few likes and one comment. The one comment was a “block” gif, as in my post somehow offended the commenter and they would be blocking me. I checked out his profile (because of course it was a man) and apparently his timeline (probably the “for you” one) was showing him a bunch of Niners posts because he had been arguing with Niners fans. My post somehow offended him and he took the time to post a comment with a block gif because why? Perhaps he wanted to argue. I do not argue with assholes. No, I block and then take to my blog to talk shit about them.

Here’s some advice to those kind of people– you don’t like something, scroll on by. I don’t give a flying fuck if you want to block me (and he didn’t because I was able to see him). Block me. But if you think that you’re going to argue with me on my profile, it’s not going to happen.

Also, do other football fans not like Niners fans? I am obviously biased but I didn’t think we were the kind of fans who annoyed other fans. I consider myself to be a nice person and a reasonable fan. I don’t like to talk shit about other teams or their fanbase. Or if I do talk shit, I keep to a tight circle of friends who don’t take that kind of stuff personally. Actually, I never talk shit to someone about their team. I don’t like spreading negative energy. No, I’ll just secretly cheer for their team to lose. I’ll admit that much.

L’homme aux bottes de cowboys
Thomas Beaudoin as L’Expert in Top Dogs

While I had the game on, I distracted myself by turning on my VPN so I could watch a Canadian show called Top Dogs. I mostly just skipped to Thomas Beaudoin’s scenes to do screenshots. It’s all in French so I don’t know what they’re saying but I get the gist of some of it. Thomas’ character seems a little, hmm, awkward? I cannot stop thinking of him as a Clark Kent type and his character in this show is really feeding into the notion. The episodes are short, under fifteen minutes, which made doing screenshots easy enough. I’m already finished with season one.

Les dessous de l'affaire Lamborghini
One more of Thomas in Top Dogs…

I had another dream about Nana’s house. I’m not sure what the situation was but we were in it, marveling at how much bigger it was inside than it looked on the outside. For some reason, when I dream about houses, the bedrooms are so much bigger, with such ridiculous proportions. I’m not sure what that’s saying about my psyche or subconscious but so it goes. In this dream, the bedroom had two beds in it and the front part had living room furniture so it felt more like a loft or something but it was a bedroom.

I think I dreamt of her house because I was wondering the other day what was going on with it. Is someone living there now? Has it been sold? What happened to all of her stuff? Were her things dispersed as payment for taking of her? Did anyone in the family get anything? Are we just supposed to be happy that her funeral was taken care of?

SUNDAY – 21 January

Reprendre les armes
And another one of Thomas Beaudoin in Top Dogs

I’m on the second season of Top Dogs. What’s going on with Thomas’ character? Is he a bad guy now? I’m sure I’d be less confused if I actually spoke some French, eh?

taken on the second floor of the library

I’ve been using Hipstamatic more and since the turn to 2024, I’ve been posting Hipstamatic shots as my photo of the day for Project 365 (@vasiakiari at IG). This week or so, I discovered the double exposure feature. I’m still learning but a couple of the shots have turned out rather interesting. I’m going to keep practicing. It’s fun!

another one from the library

I’m having fun on Duolingo but I wonder if I’m learning as fast as I should. I make sure I do a few lessons everyday of Spanish and French. I think having had Spanish in high school helps me a little to do well with the Spanish lessons so I feel like the real challenge is French. I feel like if I really want to stretch myself, I need to watch or listen to more things in Spanish and French. One day, I’d like to know enough to really understand then venture out to learning Italian too. Learning is fun and frustrating!

My busy month is nearly upon me. I have some stuff due for a state report at the end of the month then my transfers begin for the month of February. The questions have already started and I have to remember to be grateful the questions are coming BEFORE open enrollment beings as opposed to AFTER the requests are due. I also have to remember to not be frustrated by the people who don’t want to accept the process and the reasoning for why they’re not going to get what they want. (You would not believe the entitlement some people have. Or maybe you would believe it.)

Everyone should watch Percy Jackson and the Olympians. It’s such a great show! Makes me want to read the books again, which I will probably do after I finish Jessica Simpson’s book or after our next book club book… Still need to watch Echo. Is it good?…

Hope everyone has a great week!