Greg & Valerie ©2001 VC Noble

The Place: The Pasadena Center, Pasadena, CA

The Time: the three days after my 30th aka 4-6 May 2001

The Guests: (Saturday only) Adrienne Wilkinson, William Gregory Lee, Timothy Omundson, Claire Stansfield, Alexandra Tydings, Ted Raimi, with glimpses of Karl Urban and some of the cast/crew of The Privateers

This was actually the "big one," a 3-day convention, but I only attended on Saturday.  What kind of freakin' Xenite am I?!  Actually, I consider myself more of a fan of the guest stars, most notably the fellows.  ;)  But if you know me, you know that about me.  LOL!

Photographs (by VC "Kiari" Noble):
[more pictures added 05.15.01]

Report (by VC "Kiari" Noble):

Links (there are more, but here are some that have Greg pictures):


[conventions]  [WGL Online]  [KIARI.COM]
[email Kiari/VCN]

copyright © 2001 Kiari/VC Noble