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In memory of a most talented and beautiful man I had the pleasure of meeting one time ago

Kiari's Kevin Smith Corner
gracing cyberspace since 1997

Kevin Tod Smith
1963 - 2002

Ares may have been bad to the bone, but Kevin was sweet to the core.  At least from this gal's perspective.  I will remember him as a warm, gracious, and generous soul who gave time to his fans.  He not only shared his wonderful talent with us, but he allowed us peeks into his family life during his times on stage at the conventions.  He wasn't just an actor- he was a father, a husband, a friend, a family man.

I will miss his presence in this world.  But when I think about heaven, I'll think about that angel with a smile.

To Kevin's family, especially Sue and the boys, I want to thank you for allowing us the chance to know Kevin.  He gave so much in so many ways, but because of you he kept his sweetness and generosity.  My thoughts and prayers are with you.

Kevin, thank you so very much for gracing us with your talent, your graciousness, and your warmth.  I will remember you in smiles and laughter and sometimes with the rain. I will celebrate the life you had and always keep a special place in my heart.  I might not have known you, but you touched my life with the light of your soul.

 Journey well into the next...


If you're looking for Kevin Smith the American director, head out to The View Askewniverse.

Kevin Smith Forum - SF-Fandom

The Official Kevin Smith Trust Fund has been established by Robert Bruce, Lucy Lawless and Michael Hurst with Simon Prast

c/o Robert Bruce Agency
218 Richmond Road
Grey Lynn
Auckland 1002

Contributions are accepted online via PAYPAL.  Please see the trust fund site for details...



WHOOSH.ORG - Issue 67 - Kevin Smith In Memorium - is now up.

Kevin Smith Tribute - light a cyber candle in memory of Kevin

Kevin Smith Tribute from Creation

Kevin Smith Memorial Page - with very lovely wallpapers

Farewell to a Friend - tribute by Michael Hurst

CreatiVideos - featuring video tributes to Kevin and his character Ares

Kevin Smith - In Memorium - a site with artwork, articles, and links to other tribute sites


Friends, family plan Kevin Smith tribute

Kevin Smith fell from film set tower...

Fans and colleagues mourn Smith...

Kevin Smith dies...

Very many thanks to those who have visited this site and added their thoughts and comments to the guestbook.  I've laughed a little and cried a little with each entry, but most of all I've been touched by the time taken and the words expressed for Kevin...

DISCLAIMER: This is a fansite.  I do not intend to infringe on any rights held by Mr. Kevin Smith, his management, or associated parties.  Personal photos copyrighted to their respective owners.  Screencaptures copyrighted to their respective productions.  If you wish to use any images for tribute sites, please do so and let me know.  :)


Kiari's Kevin Smith Corner © 1997-2002 Kiari/VCN | part of
this website updated 06 June 2004