The All Blacks win

over my heart restless for more

trace your name soft
across my skin
your lips can follow
languidly the path
over my heart
restless for more

Painted in Waterlogue
The Ladies Cane… painted in Waterlogue

Hopefully my sister doesn’t mind that I fiddled with one of the pics she sent today. I couldn’t resist. I think it looks cute! 🙂 Baby niece is getting so big already! I wanna kiss those cheeks! I’m glad my sister shares pictures. And I do so treasure the FaceTime chats we have. We’re so far away from each other but technology does keep us connected…

the start of my walk

Walked to and from work today. It was warm both ways! LOL It’s a nice walk though, good for the heart and all of that. Work was fine. I only went in today because I had to do the paychecks. Otherwise, I would have been home watching rugby! LOL

Painted in Waterlogue
me and Holli

Still working on my story. I don’t have a title for it, oddly enough. Right now it’s filed under the character names– Trevor & Rosalind. I usually have at least a working title for my stories. Hmm, wonder what’s different about this one.