The All Blacks win

for me to cherish

please give everything
from the very heart of you
for me to cherish

I’m glad I already did my look back on 2012 so that I can just babble on my last entry for the year. 😉

Lawless – Finally found the movie on blu-ray and watched it yesterday. I personally LOVED the way Tom Hardy played Forrest Bondurant, all grunty and taciturn. It just reminded me yet again how much I do admire his talent. It’s a beautifully done movie but I wouldn’t outright recommend it unless you like the period of history portrayed or the main actors.

Today we headed out to lunch at Buffalo Wild Wings. I’m still full!

Last lunch of 2012
Last lunch of 2012

The wall I faced had jerseys from the local high schools so I was reminded of work!

Last lunch of 2012

Now I should probably take a nap because we’re going to a party at our friend’s place…