TWITL – week six – the long weekend

This past week ended on a long weekend, which is why I’m writing on Monday instead of Sunday. Four whole days off is a most wonderful thing but it made me lazier than usual. Alas!


Better Than You’re Used To” – Tyler Rich – Tyler’s latest single is out! This song is so good that one of my friends heard it on Tyler’s IG story and asked me if the song was out because it was so good! At the time she asked, it was not but when it dropped on Friday, I of course featured it in a post and she saw it and was happy that it was out. Yah! So give it a spin, add it to your playlist, click on buy, then tell all your friends what a great song it is. Suffice to say, I LOVE IT. Go get yours.


WandaVision – Disney+ – “All New Halloween Spooktacular!” – Another fantastic installment to the series. The series has definitely picked up and I don’t know if it helps or hurts that I keep watching recaps/easter eggs of the episodes. Part of me is glad to know the comic book references but I also just want to enjoy it as presented and draw on the movie references as opposed to the comics.


Tenet – We bought this movie and finally sat down to watch it this weekend. I liked it! I LOVE mind bending movies, especially when it comes to time and such. Of course, my head is still pondering some of the details. I thought the plot was pretty straight forward and easy to follow so I’m not sure how to take some of the negative reviews I skimmed when the movie was released. I enjoyed it and I think it’s going to be one of those films that I’ll watch at random times just because it’s so fascinating.


Our Girl Scouts cookies arrived this week. Glorious! Trying very hard not to eat them all at once. It’s NOT EASY.

Took my very first COVID-19 test! It was a self test, offered by work, and I figured might as well test as not. I received my results the next day! I am duly impressed. And I think I will take it when I’m again allowed because might as well until I’m eligible for the vaccine. Oh yes, and the result was negative.

I just deleted over 3k photos and videos on my iPhone because I was having trouble transferring the photos/vids to my computer. All of the files I deleted were uploaded to Google Photos, so I didn’t “lose” anything but I’m wondering if I’ll regret the move. I hope not!

Some random musings, bullet style:

  • Received a letter I wrote to myself a year ago and it was before the pandemic. Oh the hope, the anticipation. I still need to write myself back for a year from now.
  • I was going to mention watching someone’s IG and seeing something that disappointed me but I’ll just keep it like this and be vague and wonder if I’ll remember what this means in the future. (I think I will but who knows.)
  • It’s been 19 years since Kevin Smith (“Ares” on Xena) died. I just read some tributes written about him back in 2009 and it reminded me of how I felt as a fan, watching his work, meeting him. He was such a lovely, lovely man. Check out a A Tribute to Kevin Smith.
KSOFC Brunch 1998