TWITL 2023 – week 1 – Happy New Year!

Happy 2023, my lovelies! Hope the new year has been treating you well so far. It’s been a gloomy start to the year, weather wise, but oddly enough (or perhaps not), I don’t mind it so much. I’m finding that I like the cooler weather. It’s not been extremely cold but we’ve been a bit past sweater weather these past couple of weeks. Most glorious!

first mimosa of 2023
first mimosa of 2023

Going back to work after 11 days off was softened by the fact that it was still winter break this past week. The office was blissfully low-key and I had the time and space to check off some boxes on my list of things to do. I did as much as I could to prepare for the upcoming madness. Transfers next month! (My super busy time is February.)

Axe Woves!
Axe Woves

My latest Axe Woves action figure arrived this week. YES! I wasn’t supposed to receive it until March, I think, but for some reason my pre-order arrived early. Yah for me! I’m going to keep one in the box and open the other one. Haven’t done it yet. Not sure if I want to bring it to work though. My desk is getting a little ridiculous.

revised lineup at work
revised line up at work (Hercules in, Thor and Rey out)

I brought Hercules (from Thor: Love and Thunder) to work and because it was getting crowded, I took home Thor (from Thor: Ragnarok) and Rey (from Star Wars). It was weird having two Thors so it made sense to bring home the older one. Maybe after my work space is renovated, I’ll decorate differently.

rainy morning
rainy morning

It was cold and wet this past week and the upcoming week looks the same. We had a lovely respite during the weekend, which gave us a chance to check out the subdued farmers market (mimosa and croissant for me). We also checked out Barnes and Noble and I actually bought a book to read, Ovid’s Metamorphoses. It will be my slow read of the year. If I finish it before the end of the year, maybe I’ll pick up Virgil’s Aeneid to read next.

the rare visit to an old haunt


His Dark Materials [HBO Max] – We’re on the third season, which is the last one, and it’s been consistently good. I’ve really enjoyed this show. It’s a little weird, however, hearing James McAvoy because I’ve been listening to the audiobook, The Sandman, in which he plays Morpheus. So whenever he speaks, I hear Morpheus. I should read the books after we finish the show. We shall see.

Nope – This one was a good one. It was creepy and I enjoyed how the characters reacted to certain situations like real people would, as opposed to how movie characters would. A good watch for sure.

Everything Everywhere All at Once – Finally got to watch this one. I really liked it. I love stories that deal with parallel or multiverse universes. Michelle Yeoh is always a treat to watch and this movie is no different. Definitely a must-watch movie.

turkeys in the parking lot
  • We saw turkeys in a parking lot yesterday. Not sure what they were doing there or where they came from. It was super weird and random.
  • I like that the house is clean. I need to figure out a routine for cleaning the house.
  • I’m excited for Prince Harry’s book, Spare. I pre-ordered the audiobook, which means I’ll have to pause my listen of The Sandman so as to listen to Prince Harry. If I like his book well enough, I might actually buy the physical copy. We shall see.
  • I have a new story in my head but it’s just scenes here and there. Let’s see if something comes from it.
  • Sky Rojo comes back on January 13th! So ready for more Miguel Ángel Silvestre.