09 January – Jeudi
So yesterday might be considered a bad day. Our shower backed up and we had to get someone to come out. Easy solve. Then we got the call– 60 day notice on our rental. Cue el estrés aka THE STRESS. It sucks when it’s time to move but not because you want to move. Oh well, it’ll get done. I don’t look forward to the moving.
But yesterday wasn’t all bad because I pushed off my reality a bit by reading a story my friend wrote. AND IT IS SO GOOD. I missed her writing so much and this story of hers, wild as it is and IT IS WILD, just dropped me back into that world of the Temple of Ares. She always wrote the BEST stories and always inspired me to write my own. I love that it’s long and I can just forget the world by being in her world. It helps that Kiari (my character) makes an appearance. LOVE that part a lot. Beth, the way you write Ares is perfect and I can totally see and hear him whenever he’s on the page. Such a gift.
I’m reminded of a story I started writing called The Gods of Your Dreams. I wrote/played Kiari as a lesser goddess then immortal back in the day and I got it in my head to write Kiari facing down a demon (what?!) and calling up Ares (makes sense) and Thor (makes no sense at all). I wrote a bit of it (about 2k words) and abandoned it. Every time I think I want to write Kiari and Ares, I look back on the start of the story and wonder why Kiari is facing a demon. What fandom was I drawing from? If only I could remember. Then maybe I could continue the story.
The story I’m writing right now is called Worst Way (working title). It’s about a former baseball player now police detective who’s caught the eye of a high school teacher former forensics technician. I like to think y’all can figure out who is playing the MMC. (You do know, right?) It’s a romance (of course!) and I do like writing with some spice so there you have it. 😉 Hopefully I finish it soon because I still have my November novel to maybe finish too.
12 January – Dimanche
I ended up finishing Beth’s story and OH MY GOODNESS, it was so good! I couldn’t stop reading it. I haven’t felt that way in the LONGEST time and I feel so lucky to have been one of her readers. I love that whenever Ares was on the page, I could hear him and see him. (And lo, I miss him!) Oh, and the other gods! It was soo good to “see” them again. Hades! And Kiari was here and there and I love that she made appearances. (The benefits of being an immortal.) I feel like there could be more to the story and if Beth writes more, I’d be down for reading it.
Earlier this week, I was alerted by comments to some old posts at my IG, all of my friend Greg. When I read the comments, I was utterly delighted! My friend’s daughter found me on Instagram and commented on the posts I made of her dad? How cute is that?! And oh my gosh, what did he tell her about me? Also, how sweet that he trusts me enough to let his daughter say hey to me. Awww! It made me think of my Xena convention days and those good times with my friends. Ahh, such adventures!

We’re watching Silo right now and so I’m distracted from finishing this post. I’m also thinking of what to write next for my story and when I should start packing and the fact that it’s Sunday night and back to work tomorrow I go. The weekends are always so short…