15 January – Mercredi
It’s the middle of the week. The sun is shining quite nicely but the air is a bit biting. Well, for here. I like it.
I’ve noticed that I’ve been a little monochrome or green with my outfits lately. Is my mood dark? Why is it when I wear color, it’s only green? Maybe it’s just what my winter clothes are– green or monochrome. I swear, I’m not turning moody or anything.
Can you separate the person from their art? The musician from their music. The author from their written works. Can you do it? Should you do it?
In recent times, we’re finding out that people just aren’t who we thought they were. I’m thinking specifically of writers. You might know who I mean so if you don’t, lucky you. Two particular writers have made news in recent days, one just this week. It’s made me think– can I still enjoy their work even thought they’re garbage as humans?
Yes, I can.
Here’s the thing for me, once something is created and released into the world, it is its own entity. Whatever joy or inspiration that piece of work gave you is genuine and true. You shouldn’t have to banish it if it can still give you that joy or inspiration. If you must banish it, then so be it. But don’t feel like you must abandon it just because of one person or other people say you should. You can acknowledge that the creator of said work is utter garbage but still appreciate the work. Well, I think I can.
Maybe it’s justification on my part because I don’t want to part from the worlds they created. I don’t want to forget the magic or the fantasy. I believe that everyone is born with goodness and it’s a constant battle to balance that goodness with the darkness. Maybe these creators poured all their goodness into their work and forgot to keep some for themselves, thereby making their creations their only goodness. Those creations don’t just belong to them once they’re released– they belong to us too. And when those creations are adapted into something else, passing through other minds, well, those creations become yet another entity.
I just know that I won’t talk about it (online at least). Instead I’ll talk about authors and musicians and artists that bring me joy who haven’t shown themselves to be abhorrent.
Just a thought.
19 January – Dimanche
Woke up this morning after dreaming that I had somehow transported myself ghost like to wherever Simon Kassianides and his family were and couldn’t transport myself back to where I needed to be. Simon was trying to figure out how to get me back home when I woke up. What the heck with that dream?!
20 January – Lundi
Let’s talk some TV
Silo – Season 2 down! I try to tell myself that I don’t like the post apocalyptic stuff but then I watch a show like Silo and I dig it. The characters are flawed but that’s what makes them interesting. I like the mystery of it all and am glad that there will be two more seasons. We’ll get a complete story. Sweet!
Severance – We binged season 1 and caught up to the first ep of season 2. I tell ya, I am so glad that we did not have to wait too long after that crazy cliffhanger. WTH! The reveals in that season 1 ender were WILD. So WILD.
“Worst Way” – You know what takes a while for me to write? Steamy/spicy scenes. How much detail do I want to show? Should there be cussing? I like writing the steamy scenes but sometimes I wonder if I get too technical when describing certain things. Since I’m the only one who reads my stories, it’s hard to judge. Anyhoo, my characters FINALLY got to their steamy scene. They haven’t said, “I love you,” yet but of course they will. When? We’ll see. I think I want this one to be at least 50k words so needs to add some tension.
“I Want Who You Already Are” – My November novel is just sitting there, neglected. My poor characters! Those two have not gotten to their steamy scenes yet. Alas. I’ll probably have to read it from the beginning to remember how I want to get them to the end. The MMC is played by a different Muse and my other Muse is taking all my attention so this story will have to wait until I finish the other one. I should try and finish the other one before we move. Goal? Maybe.
Random thoughts in bullet points:
- As I look through my social media posts (really, the ones on Thread), I mention Riley Green almost daily. What the heck! Also, I am so close to getting his first album so that I have more to songs of his to hear. Obsessed much? So much. He is definitely getting the Sam Hunt treatment. Maybe more so? I’ve resisted being all fangirly on IG beyond the IG story, so there’s that.
- I don’t think I will ever quell the disappointment when finding out someone I’ve known since high school or so ends up being, well, a disappointment. Alas.
- I am not looking forward to moving. Definitely not loving that we’re going to have to move again in a year if we stick with this property management company. UGH Really wish we could just buy this place.
- My Ben Barnes album arrived this weekend and I should listen to it. I have it digitally as well but I’ve only listened once all the way through because Riley Green is taking up my music listening time. So obsessed.