when you know it’s the endlock every moment tightsavor every peal of laughterbreath deep with every smilewhen you know it’s the endmemorize every word as if poetryready to […]
a quick tinge of delight
spark a little thrilla quick tinge of such delightin a simple smile Back to work. Stuffed lots of envelopes. Joy. 🙂 my new desktop wallpaper at work
constant to the beat
the world keeps spinningnothing stands still for too longconstant to the beat Stayed home today. Felt a bit crappy. Feeling better now…
the sun warm and bright above
walking hand in handthe sun warm and bright abovethe breeze almost cool me with beer Good thing the Art, Jazz, & Wine Festival is free! Well, if you […]
I never saw you
I never saw youthe sun shone too brightbut somewhere in the shadowsyou waited to catch my eyebut I never saw youso hopeful in the crowdthe smile playing on […]
older than dreams that whisper
stars above sparkleolder than dreams that whispersecrets through the night So glad it’s Friday. Posted via LiveJournal app for iPad.
this road belongs to just me
you can’t follow methis road belongs to just meI must walk alone Anyone watching Strike Back on Cinemax? I’m so digging it! I like Philip Winchester and had […]
when I close my eyes
when I close my eyesthe world still clings to methe chaos remainsflickering without endwhen I close my eyespeace cannot find its wayquiet is out of reachmocking in gentle […]