I could haunt youdestroy every dreammock your aspirationspush you until you fallI could taunt youdrag your name with liesrip away your dignityspit on your tearsI could break youstrip […]
untangle yourself
untangle yourselfset free all this miserybefore it drowns you We’re going to Alcatraz in a couple of weeks! I’m excited. It’ll be my third stint there. (Like how […]
just hold out your hand
just hold out your handlet that sweet smile curve your lipswelcome me with love So I was listening to my Pandora at work (Basia radio) and the above […]
Memorial Day
maybe you think this will lastforever in perfectionunbroken and wholeunwounded and puremaybe you think this can lastunspoken devotionuntouched and sweetunwavering and relentlessmaybe you know it won’t lastso you […]
filtered by the breeze
oh the shining sunthe bright glow so very warmfiltered by the breeze Spent the early afternoon with my cousins. They came out this way so that we could […]
I am not haunted
I am not hauntedby dreams of you anymorememories faded I didn’t mind the chill this morning. Twas refreshing! Gave me a chance to wear my geekli.st hoodie. A […]
someday I may say
someday I may saygood times outlasted the baduntil then I wait I need to gather up my energy. Is it the allergies? mmmm, Taco Bell