let loose the chaos brewing

maybe you will break
let loose the chaos brewing
when that last straw falls

FaceTime with the niece!

Chatted with my niece yesterday. She is so darn exuberant! I love it! She’s such a cutie. I love watching her and talking with her and hearing her call me Tita. Awww. 🙂

WTF, this happened in our neighborhood this week. And when I say our neighborhood, I mean just a couple of blocks from me. We’ve lived here for five years and as far as I know, we haven’t had this kind of incident in our neighborhood. It’s very disturbing and it makes me angry. Are people really that ignorant and close-minded and disrespectful?


So I started following the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge and Prince Harry on Twitter. I mostly just want to see pictures of the new baby and I think it’s neat that they’re on twitter. They’re not verified (something about the queen not allowing the immediate family or heirs to the throne to be verified) but I believe it’s them. I have a fascination with the British royals from the historic angle. They are living, breathing history in the making. And I’m quite tickled that the Duke and Duchess followed me back after I RT’d one of their tweets. LOL

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