TWITL – week forty-two – here comes the rain

We’re in the middle of a few rainy days and I don’t mind at all. Looks to be over by Monday morning so must enjoy it now. We certainly need the rain out this way. I’m just glad we didn’t have much to do but sit here and watch football.


after the movie

Dune – We headed to the movies on Friday night to watch Dune in the Dolby Cinema auditorium at our local AMC Theatre. If you can watch this movie at the theatre, do it. It’s GORGEOUS. I’ve read the books and I’ve seen the 1984 movie so I knew the story well enough and this interpretation is just so well done. It ended and I wanted MORE. (Please tell me there is more!)

Cronos – I had never seen this movie and not sure why we started watching this one. The hubby happened upon it while browsing for movies and saw that it was Guillermo Del Toro’s first feature film. I like that I knew nothing about it yet and could enjoy it as is. I liked it. It was very well done, with the drama and horror very well balanced.



We spent Saturday afternoon downtown for cornhole! Well, I didn’t play. I just watched. It was great seeing people downtown and cornhole is always fun times. The weather was perfect but as there was rain in the forecast, they hurried the play a bit. The rain probably came a bit before the event was set to end but we were already home, I think.

No, I didn't play...

Oh, and I wore my All Blacks gear (beanie and jersey) because they were playing the Eagles in Washington DC. The All Blacks ended up winning 104-14. Yikes! But hey, it felt good wearing my All Blacks stuff. The jersey I wore is tight so it’s something to wear under hoodies and such.


Full week back to work after fall break wasn’t really too bad for me. Our COVID-19 testing days changed for the district office, which means I go in early on Mondays and Friday now. I actually don’t mind that bit at all. It’s nice leaving early on a Friday, even better this first week because I had a meeting in the afternoon and when I came back to the office, it was nearly time to go home. Joy!

Now let me rant a little bit.

Our COVID-19 tester is a super sweet woman, newly hired (so yes, she’s an actual employee) and the harassment and abuse she took from fellow employees is damn appalling. I am so disappointed and angry about the stories she told me after administering tests at our school sites this week. Employees in our district must be vaccinated or submit to weekly testing. To make it easy for those employees who must test every week, our tester is stationed at each school a certain day every week. Apparently, some of those unvaccinated employees decided it was their place to voice their frustrations to her, accusing her of being a spy, asking her how she slept at night, refusing to sign the forms or wear their masks, and just being plain unpleasant to her. It was unprofessional, rude, and just plain WRONG. I wonder, if this is how they treat a fellow employee, how do they treat the students or their fellow site employees? They should be ashamed of themselves. I’ve gotten to the point where I don’t care why people won’t get vaccinated. You do you. But if your employer requires you to be tested if you’re not vaccinated, you do NOT have the right to treat the tester with anything other than polite professionalism and respect.

End of rant.

got this the other day
Ben BarnesSongs for You

My autographed Ben Barnes EP finally arrived! I haven’t taken off the plastic yet. I will. Of course, my EP arrived and a couple of days later, I bought something else Ben Barnes. Hope that doesn’t take as long to get to me.

Here’s to a good week. Looking forward to the cooler weather. Love being able to wear my sweaters!