First week of school is in the books! Must say, I thought a lot during the week, “This time last year, we were in Jamaica.” I don’t think I need to go back there but I did have a good time and I’m glad we went. It was nice being somewhere new and not having too much to do while we were there.
Star Trek: Strange New Worlds – “Subspace Rhapsody” – A musical episode of Star Trek? Heck yeah, bring it on! LOVED this episode. Loved the episode so much that I bought the soundtrack. And as I write, I’m listening to it. I love how the musical was definitely anchored by the action of the episode and the songs were personal to the characters… I have enjoyed this show on the whole this season. It is so well done. Every episode is so different and yet so Star Trek.
Bluesky ( FINALLY got my invite for yet another social media network. I set myself up on it yesterday and even figured out how to use my domain as my profile name. Neat! I’m not following many people at the moment but I’m already finding it rather dull. I wondered if they catered to much to the more popular people like celebrity types, not realizing that it’s normal users like me who drive the action on social media. Or maybe I say that because I was impatient for it and now it’s just meh. Maybe it’ll be better when more people I know are on it…
Threads (@kiari) – The moment Threads is accessible via the web, I’m going to be posting there A LOT. I hope they don’t wait too long. It’s the one of the new SM networks that has brought me more joy than any of the others. I very much like how it wasn’t “invite only” and allowed people to join all at once. I’m giving them time to get their bearings and I hope that the next thing they figure out is web access because I’ve realized that I like to read and post via a browser more often than not…
Spoutible (@valerie) – Spoutible has been growing at a steady place and has been stable most days than not. It’s a different crowd there and I still think they’re just so serious there. This is the network I tell myself, “Be the change you want to see,” so I try to keep my own posts light and random and not so serious. I think I need to find more lighthearted accounts there or something…
Jollibee finally opened here in Brentwood and we went through the drive-thru yesterday (Saturday). The ordering went by rather easily enough but we had to wait awhile for our food. When we got it all home and got down to eating, it was all still hot. The adobo rice was the one new thing I had (besides the pie) and it has a good taste. We got the 10 piece bucket of chicken, adobo rice, steamed rice, mashed potatoes and gravy, and pies. I liked it all! I look forward to trying their spaghetti at some point and maybe even the spicy chicken…
Yes, He Dreams of Her – I have a story in my head but so far the characters don’t have any names. For now it’s scenes here and there but not enough background. I don’t know what they do for a living yet. I don’t know how they met. I don’t know why they like each other. I don’t know what they like to do. So many things I don’t now but I’m letting the characters do their slow reveal. At this rate, they’ll be my National Novel Writing Month characters. They should have names by November, right?…
Got an email today (Sunday) that says my package from Samsung arrives tomorrow. Wait, what? The only thing I’m expecting from Samsung is supposed to deliver on Friday. Is it delivering early? Or will UPS correct themselves and hold it until Friday? I’m excited either way. And I just ordered a case, so fun times!…
I am still very much digging my MacBook Air. I should do more screenshots of my fellas, like Miguel Ángel Silvestre (above). I still have two more episodes of 30 Coins to screenshot. Then I can move along to The Witcher (once I’ve watched season three) and Shadow and Bone. Oh, and maybe a show called Nova Vita. For reasons.
Here’s to a calmer week with everyone settling into the school year…