dreams will light the way

with this last breath
life will slip away
fading to memories
for those left behind
with this last breath
love will soothe the pain
wish away the falling tears
know this too shall pass
with this last breath
dreams will light the way
adventures await unwritten
every mystery will unfold

I forgot to mention that after watching WARRIOR last night I just had to tweet about it. Soon after I tweeted, Jennifer Ehle (@jenniferehle) tweeted about WARRIOR as well! (Jennifer Ehle was recently in IDES OF MARCH and CONTAGION but might be best known for her excellent turn as Elizabeth Bennet in the A&E mini-series Pride and Prejudice.) I replied to her tweet and then — and I’m such a nerd because this makes me giddy — she replied back to me! 😀

a cool tweet to me!

Seriously, if you watch movies and appreciate them, watch WARRIOR. It is absolutely one of the most brilliant films I have watched in a very long time. I can’t remember the last time I have truly appreciated a movie so much. And yes, I do like Tom Hardy very much but until this movie he wasn’t on “my list.” Now? He’s definitely one to watch.

Today we visited our respective parents. I have to say that it’s still sad to visit the MIL and not have the FIL there. I think it was fortuitous that we saw him the day he went to the hospital back in September. It was the last time we would see him as himself. The man in the hospital wasn’t the same man we knew. Alas…

At my parents’ house, we had a little get together for my cousin. Her birthday is January 1st so there’s always something going on for her. 😉 I’m glad because it’s always good to see her and her family. Plus her youngest daughter is my goddaughter!

Visiting San Leandro

Omigosh, the cake was freakin’ delicious!!! Oh, and my mom made fried chicken and spaghetti, so a good food day for me. LOL!

I think I’m going to watch WARRIOR again soon…