I want to feel nothing when I see your name when I hear your voice I don’t feel nothing not when I see your smile not when I […]
I broke your heart
I broke your heart with such pretty words whispered sweet and soft with just enough heat you believed me trusted every promise saw sincerity in my lies brushed […]
just once let my kiss linger
won’t you dream of me just once let my kiss linger sweet upon your lips The last day of break. The morning was nice. We had convocation. But […]
let loose the chaos brewing
maybe you will break let loose the chaos brewing when that last straw falls FaceTime with the niece! Chatted with my niece yesterday. She is so darn exuberant! […]
promise the depth of your heart
perhaps just a kiss can hold at bay this longing flowing hot and sweet better yet, whisper promise the depth of your heart beyond just this touch when […]
feel the wonder of the night
just slowly exhale feel the wonder of the night closing in so cool
all the reasons why
I have forgotten listening to your laughter all the reasons why Henry Cavill on Leno
each breath means one more promise
as we reach to touch each breath means one more promise a secret to tell the latest media at my twitter… Twas a muggy day, quite humid. It […]