Calling week four of 2022 difficult is an understatement. I don’t know where to start so I suppose I’ll just start at the beginning.
I started the week unwell– a cold with the scratchy throat and a crazy cough that kept me home Monday and Tuesday. On Tuesday, I was taking a nap when my friend Rachel called to tell me that our friend Kim died. I was a little confused and it took me a moment to realize what she was telling me. I was glad that I was home and later that day, our CPN group had an impromptu video chat to talk about our friend who departed this world much too soon.
A day hasn’t gone by that I haven’t thought of Kim. I’m going through all the stages of grief but in waves. One moment, I accept that she’s gone. Another moment, I rail silently at the fates. Still another moment, I am numb. And of course, I am sad, so very sad that I will never hear her voice again or see her smile through the video chat lines. It hurts so much to think of her children and what must they be feeling. I’ve checked her FB everyday and have been comforted by the remembrances by her family and friends. It took me a day to compose something and it’s still not enough. I’m sure I’ll have more to say in coming days.
I’m glad that we all got to chat that Tuesday evening. It was good to touch base with my friends and to just “be” with them. I kept thinking Kim would log on and we’d all yell at her for scaring us while she laughed at us but of course, she didn’t…
Friday was my boss’ last day. Our department had lunch together and it was nice to spend time as a group one more time. I’m bummed that my boss has left us but happy for him that he gets to work closer to home. I was lucky to have him as long as I did and we had a great working relationship. But if anything is a constant at work, it is change…
Saturday was the last day for one of our local beer places, Imperiale Beer Project. We had our last drink there and there was a good crowd for the final day. I hope all the kegs got kicked. I’m sorry to see them go but again, such is change…
And today was the San Francisco 49er’s last game of the season. It was disappointing but they had a good run, which didn’t look like a possibility early in the season…
We might be smiling a little in that screenshot here but we were crying a little too. Our friend is gone. But she knew that we loved her and we knew that she loved us. We were lucky to have the time that we had with her and of course, we wanted more. Don’t we always want more? But we still have each other and we will remember her every day, with much love. I know not a day will pass that I won’t think of her. Something will remind me of her. And then I’ll smile because I know she wouldn’t like to be remembered too long with tears unless it’s from laughing too much…